The 10 Best Coffee Table Books of the Year by W Mag

To be considered among the 10 best monographs of the year by W Magazine is a massive honor.

by Angela Cappetta

The way Glendalis has hit with the public has really touched my heart. People who get it know that the monograph is a love letter to my old neighborhood in the pre gentrified Lower East Side of the mid 1990’s.

“By focusing on Glendalis as the main character, Cappetta emphasizes the role of youth as both witnesses and messengers within the family unit. “The home of a mom and her three girls is sacred territory,” she says. ‘The beauty of the mundane—parenting, homework, dinner, sports—brings rhythm to these day-to-day rituals. And it glistens more brightly in neighborhoods with dust on its boots’.”

Thank you to these wonderful writers who recognized the love I had for my old neighborhood Che Baez, Lisa Habi and Zoe Whitfield.


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Angela Cappetta Featured in W Magazine’s Column Eye Candy