Letter from Corcoran Curator Paul Roth
Corcoran Curator Paul Roth Writes to Angela Cappetta in order to confirm permanent collection participation in Robert Frank Show.
Attached above is the letter written to Angela Cappetta from Corcoran curator Paul Roth, curator* of Photographs at the Corcoran museum of art in Washington, D.C. This letter summarizes Angela Cappetta's contribution to the Robert Frank show London/Wales. Both Sides of the Street which hung in the same gallery as the Robert Frank show London/Wales. In order to demonstrate Frank's influence on contemporary photography., the micro exhibit within an exhibit demonstrates a specific point. For instance, in this case, the evolution of street photography.
What is a Curator? Excerpted from Art Demystified: What Do Curators Actually Do? Scholarly Article.
What is the role of the curator in the contemporary art world? Often working behind the scenes, curators actually greatly influence the art we see in galleries and museums. As a result, they help determine which art we see.
“To enumerate, curating as a profession means at least four things,” the curator and co-director of London’s Serpentine Galleries, Hans Ulrich Obrist, wrote in the Guardian. "Chiefly, it means to preserve, in the sense of safeguarding the heritage of art. Second, it means to be the selector of new work for the purpose of connecting to art history. Fourth, it means referring to art history. And lastly, it means displaying, not to mention, arranging the work.”
"Abuelita, NYC from the project Glendalis, in the permanent collection of the Corcoran Gallery of Art Washington D.C." and that "Attached above is the letter written to Angela Cappetta from Corcoran curator Paul Roth, curator* of Photographs at the Corcoran museum of art in Washington, D.C. This letter summarized Angela Cappetta‘s contribution to the Robert Frank show London/Wales."
This is the image from the show Robert Frank London/Wales — The Other Side of the Street.