What is Personal Branding Photography?

Hm. So, What is Personal Branding Photography Anyway? And Why Do I Need it for My Career?

This seems to be a very big niche these days. More and more people are advancing their careers, or pivoting to different careers altogether. This means that everyone who comes to us knows they have  to put their best face forward (pun intended!). Linked In, IG, and Tik Tok are all powerful channels for the workforce. When we show off our avatar, we are saying “Look at me and give me a chance. I can offer a lot to you and your company”. That's where we come in. And boy do we love this part. Portrait shot by Angela Cappetta for WIRED with real film:WIRED mag shot by NYC portrait photographer Angela Cappetta

How did I land on Personal Branding Photography as a niche?

Interestingly, before the brisk personal branding head shot and portrait business I now run, I had only ever shot portraits for big magazines.  Occasionally, I’d also shoot them for friends. Editorial shoots for Wired were always a part of my commercial practice. Yet, after doing this for a while, I realized I could turn this into a enjoyable, new revenue stream. So, I got to it right away. I tried different, minimal backgrounds. I landed on a textured paint with cream undertones which makes everyone’s skin tone gorgeous. It’s a way to provide an in-house glow up for now extra charge any time of year. Yoga teacher on a trampoline shot by yours truly with DSLR:Yoga instructor on a trampoline shot by NYC portrait photographer Angela Cappetta with DSLR Kuwaiti entrepreneur shot with DSLR by Angela Cappetta:NY Portraits Photography Service. Portrait of Kuwaiti businesswoman in a velvet blazer shot with DSLR by Angela Cappetta

Then, I figured out this modality of shooting has a name.

It is called Personal Branding Photography.  I kept it all pretty causal to start, to solidify my look, and to get the absolute best looks from my Clients. It is within this language that the Client becomes a model for a day. Essentially, one is one’s own model. As a result, I work closely with my Clients to help them select one look, or several, depending on their package. We even offer beauty packages a la carte for those who want to be pampered. My work is alive and full of story. Importantly, my photographs dramatically increased my Clients' growing businesses. People get addicted to me because I offer so much value to their personal brand. Your ROI is inevitable because it helps the Client to go out and do it. They have a new look, new photos, and they are ready to take on the world.  We started here with DSLR for this M.D.'s personal medical branding shoot:Portrait of a physician by NYC photographer Angela Cappetta And we recently went here with her look:NYC Portrait Photography with a Doctor. Shot by NYC portrait photographer Angela Cappetta 

Please, Break it Down For Me!

It refers to a set of photographic assets which help establish what you do and who you are., Entrepreneurs and small business owners all  need help build their brand and earn income. I am here to help you form and fit visual identity to your dream avenues of income. Foremost, the photo session is all about you. We even shoot Personal Brand Shoots within the shoots. An M.D. we recently photographed needed fun, accessible shots for a Clubhouse session. So, even though we did her initial shoot for her medical practice in the studio, we went on location to her office and shot her at her desk, doing Telehealth, and showing off her new digs. She was thrilled and so happy we were able to continue helping her to grow her brand. This marketing material is incredibly essential for any business owner or employee. 
But I'm Not an Executive.
Even if you aren’t C suite or other management, we want you to be able to break though and trade up to your dream job, however that looks for you. Well made photography is essential in helping our customers do this. People are even including photos on their CV's these days. It doesn't stop there. Furthermore, content you create which used your personal branding photography will almost always achieve double the clicks. Now, that is some solid data you can take to the bank. So get in touch with us so we can schedule your shoot and help you shine.

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